Thursday, February 5, 2009

Southeastern Christian Fundamentalism @ it's finest

So I went to the wednesday night church service at a prominent church of the assmebly of god in the area. I sat in the balcony alone & unmolested and watched the service from a detached point of view. The whole thing was cult like....there seemed to be an air of "we are here on this freezing night out of duty for christ but if it were up to me I would be home".....a reinforcing of each other for this bad a really crappy pep rally. The singers sang the same old stale songs from years ago when I attend church the people remained in a bubble of warpped reality preception. Do they wonder why their attendance declines and why more and more people speak out against the church when there is no creativity coming from them. The church as a whole has the means to do great things but they fall far short of their potenetial. The preacher made 2 comments that really stuck out to me...#1) "Sarah Palin was ridiculed because of her christian beliefs....every good christian will be ridiculed for their belief." #2) "The government can't fix this economy, only god can fix this economy.".....Really? Really? This, I know is from a regional standpoint, but really? Sarah Palin was ridiculed because she opened her mouth and let her ignorance shine. & if the government can't fix this economy should we jsut ditch our efforts and pray ourselves out of this clusterfuck we've created? I mean somewhere along the line the church has lost focus on the message of the man and has focused on the man they would rather hold on to this 'us VS. them attitude', this arrogant concept that the supreme power & creator of the universe listens to them and will send someone else to hell but not them? I am not doen with my expirement...just wanted to vent a little bit......

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Spiritual Expirement

I have decided to go back to church. For the past few years the only time I have stepped a foot inside a church is for the occasional wedding or for Mother's Day. I have rejected the belief I was rasied to believe and am currently working through my atheistic/agnostic beliefs. I no longer except the divinity of christ, or the bible. I still agree that there are eternal truths within the writings of the bible, but I do not agree with the concept that it is 'god's holy word'.
So anyway, I've decided to go back to church not in my ever-going search for TRUTH but more to sharpen my thoughts on what it is about this from of christianity that is repulsive to me. Growing up in north Florida, I have never been too far from the buckle of the bible belt, so the christianity I am familiar with might have slight nuances that differ from christianity in other regions of the country much less the world. But despite all of this there are still basic creeds and beliefs that are universal within the christian sphere.
Anyway, I will post more tomorrow...........