Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New Era

I sit here one day after President Obama's Inauguration extremely, profoundly glad to be an American. It is a testament to this on-going democratic expirement that only 40 years after being granted equal civil rights, We the People have put an African-American in our nation's highest office.
I sit here unemployed, a victim of our nation's economic crisis, knowing that it will get worse before it gets better, but with a hope I have not believed in for years. Hope that President Obama is who he says he is, does what he says he will do, and not be just another politician. Times are tough right now and we haven't hit bottom yet, but Obama's plans seem to make sense, they seem solid, they seem to be what is best for the common good of We the People. He seems to be a voice of the People, just as the Presidential office should be. He is not an elitist, he is not part of a political dynasty and those two reasons alone make him valid in my book.
I sit here with so much on my heart and mind that it would be impossible to ever convey it all but now that I don't have much else to do I will try.
Until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. burnsy,

    I agree with your sentament about the country. We have a tendancy to really screw things up (slavery, internment camps, Bush) but when we make it right, we really make it right. We may be slow on the collective uptake, but we do learn and grow. Obama's election is a perfect example. I, too, am glad to be an American today.
