I write this post after returning home from the Fl. Driver's
License Bureau. As I was waiting in line I noticed a sign on the wall that absolutely infuriated me. The sign said that in order to reinstate a suspended
license for any other reason than letting your PIP insurance lapse is only $47.50 yet if you allow your insurance to expire, if you can't afford the astronomical expenses that comes with automobile insurance, you are charged $150.00 the first time, $250.00, the second time & $500.00 the third time. REALLY? REALLY? I can go out and get numerous tickets and not pay them, allow my license to be suspended and pay less than I would for allowing my insurance to expire. I'm not saying insurance is not neccessary, but I see this as the insurance industry making the laws and stipulations on driving. It also hit me that even though I have passed the State test to obtain my driver's license, I am a card carrying member of the legaly driving population yet do to the insurance industry, I am breaking the law by driving with an active Florida Driver's License without insurance. I know that insurance is necessary, but when is enough too much? No longer is the state of Florida solely responsible for the driving regulations of this state, now we have corporate conglomerates making the laws and the rules. This is just one of many examples of the corporate takeover of our democracy and it is heartbreaking and infuriating, not to mention all of the current bailout bullshit we are dealing with now. Me personally, I would like to see everyone of the CEO's and upper management of every company involved in the bailout got to jail for life, their assets liquidated and put toward the defecit. I am not a community organizer but I really wish I was. I am fully aware that the power of this country is really in the hands of WE THE PEOPLE, but WE THE PEOPLE are too self-absorbed in our own little corner of our own world, myself included. We are too consumed with our reality TV shows, our major league sports games, our guns, our abortions, etc; etc; and we are missing the raping and pillaging of WE THE PEOPLE by corporate America, sponsored by our very own government. Anything to make a buck right? Well I say the buck stops here. Community organizers arise, free thinkers arise, America arise, the power is on our hands. Let's shrug off our apathatetic attitudes, our indifferent ideas and realize the power of WE THE PEOPLE.
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