Sunday, March 15, 2009

Life is too short.....

I know this is a cliche but let's really think about this for a moment. We are nothing more than a cell on a speck of mud spinning in infinite emptiness. We are nothing more than dancing monkeys floating on a huge ball of molten lava, revolving around a nuclear reaction, which in turn is but a speck in a whole cloud of similar stars, and it keeps going and going and going etc; etc;. What if the end of Men in Black had it right? Our entire universe is just a marble in some other realm. If the lifetime of our world was put into a one year calendar, then human beings didn't show up until something like Dec. 31 around 10:38P.M. We've only been here an hour and we already think we are running the party. So my thought process is this.....people can't stare into the abyss because the abyss stares back. The chaos and emptiness that is our universe is unbearable without belief in a higher power that has a 'Master Plan'. So these beliefs are unified and monitored, and another form of control is invented only this form of control is based on unprovable theories. I just don't get how we have the intelligence to put a man on the moon yet we as a species still believe in mythologies. Most religous writings are from the first century- bronze age writings. So couldn't we have lost so much of their meanings and intentions in translations and the steady progress of time. Couldn't these authors have been writing about philisophical and spiritual matters in the paradigm of their day? I'm not saying there isn't any wisdom in these holy books I'm just saying they're not holy. And every religion claims to be the truth, even though there have been uncountable religions through the millennia of our existence. The only thing I truly believe is that we are all connected. There is no I, only we, and when we as species accepts this and shrugs off our concept of I, we will only then be ready to do all the wondrous things that we have only just began to scratch the surface of. I believe we have the capacity for unbelievable feats and accomplishments but we are too absorbed in the view point of I. And I always has to be right in all things. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. We are an organism made up of individual cells yet we are all the same. We have been learning and evolving since the beginning of time. We as a species will continue to grow and evolve long after this present time. I believe we are in the beginnings of what future historians will consider a spiritual renaissance. More and more people are questioning and growing uncomfortable with the answers religion is providing. Like I said before, we have put a man on the chunk of rock revolving around our speck of mud. It is time to put away foolish beliefs in recylced mythologies. Our individual lives are too short and fragile to spend our time here bickering over matters of faith, which can not be proved anyway. And I will leave you with a quote, only think about it in terms of the human existence....cavemen being our infant stage and we are only now coming into our adult expierence as a species. "When I was a child I acted as a child, yet when I became a man I put away my childish things." Let's as a species put away our childish beliefs.

1 comment:

  1. excllent--especially the summarization point at the end. I love the way you tie in Paul's admonition and Obama's Inaugural quote.
