Thursday, April 16, 2009

Douche Limbaugh

I heard a little clip of ol' Douche Limbaugh speaking out against the government's actions and end results of the recent Somalian pirate ordeal. This douchebag of a hypocrite stated that if a republican administration had done this their would have been a public outcry. He defended the pirates by saying that they were black teenage muslims and did not deserve to die. Really Rush? After they threatened this man with death? After the violent hijacking of a non-military ship? Does he really think it could have ended entirely peacefully? I couldn't find the audio I had heard on Bubba the Love Sponge this morning but I did find an article about Douche talking trash about it......

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Coprorate takeover of our democracy

I write this post after returning home from the Fl. Driver's License Bureau. As I was waiting in line I noticed a sign on the wall that absolutely infuriated me. The sign said that in order to reinstate a suspended license for any other reason than letting your PIP insurance lapse is only $47.50 yet if you allow your insurance to expire, if you can't afford the astronomical expenses that comes with automobile insurance, you are charged $150.00 the first time, $250.00, the second time & $500.00 the third time. REALLY? REALLY? I can go out and get numerous tickets and not pay them, allow my license to be suspended and pay less than I would for allowing my insurance to expire. I'm not saying insurance is not neccessary, but I see this as the insurance industry making the laws and stipulations on driving. It also hit me that even though I have passed the State test to obtain my driver's license, I am a card carrying member of the legaly driving population yet do to the insurance industry, I am breaking the law by driving with an active Florida Driver's License without insurance. I know that insurance is necessary, but when is enough too much? No longer is the state of Florida solely responsible for the driving regulations of this state, now we have corporate conglomerates making the laws and the rules. This is just one of many examples of the corporate takeover of our democracy and it is heartbreaking and infuriating, not to mention all of the current bailout bullshit we are dealing with now. Me personally, I would like to see everyone of the CEO's and upper management of every company involved in the bailout got to jail for life, their assets liquidated and put toward the defecit. I am not a community organizer but I really wish I was. I am fully aware that the power of this country is really in the hands of WE THE PEOPLE, but WE THE PEOPLE are too self-absorbed in our own little corner of our own world, myself included. We are too consumed with our reality TV shows, our major league sports games, our guns, our abortions, etc; etc; and we are missing the raping and pillaging of WE THE PEOPLE by corporate America, sponsored by our very own government. Anything to make a buck right? Well I say the buck stops here. Community organizers arise, free thinkers arise, America arise, the power is on our hands. Let's shrug off our apathatetic attitudes, our indifferent ideas and realize the power of WE THE PEOPLE.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Profound thoughts

I am somewhat of a struggling writer so therefore I am an somewhat of an ardent reader. I am currently reading nine different books of various categories; A People's history of the United States by Howard Zinn, The End of Faith by Sam Harris, Civil Disobedience by Henry david Thoreau, The Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan, The Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, Watchmen by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons, Recipes for Disaster, The Qur'an, The Lost Gospel: The book of Q, & An Idiot's guide to the Gnostic Gospels. A wide variety of interest. I must admit I have become intrigued with the new movie that came out a couple of weeks ago, Watchmen. So I ordered the graphic novel and I can NOT put this book down. The artwork is good, retro now, very '80's style graphics but that is to be expected since it was written in the mid-80's but it is the story that is compelling. Anyway I get away from the point I would like to make......I really love authors who can make me look at things from a whole new perspective or that seem to verbalize the unspoken beliefs and thoughts in the caverns of my soul. There is one such quote form the graphic novel Watchmen.
I am really shrugging off the ideas of religion in any shape or form lately and have declared to live by reason and logic. In doing so I have had a very hard time dealing with our fragile existence, this miracle of life. Such a miraculous event that I really fault noone for their belief in any god. Anyway the following excerpt from Watchmen really hit the nail on the head of how I feel.......
" 'Thermodynamic with odds against so astronomical they're effectively impossible, like oxygen spontaneously becoming gold. I long to observe such a thing. And yet, in each human coupling, athousand million sperm vie for a single egg. Multiply those odds by countless generations, against the odds of your ancestors being alive; meeting; siring this precise son; that exact daughter...Until your mother loves a man she has every reason to hate, and of that union, of the thousand million children competing for fertilization, it was you, only you that emerged. To distill so specific a form from that chaos of improbability, like turning air to gold....that is the crowning unlikelihood. The thermodynamic miracle.'
'But...if me, my birth, if that's a thermodynamic miracle...i mean, you could say that about anybody in the world!'
'Yes. Anybody in the world. But the world is so full of people, so crowded with these miracles that they become commonplace and we forget....I forget. We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from another's vantage point, as if new, it may still take the breath away.
Come...dry your eyes, for you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg; the clay in which the forces that shape all things leaves their fingerprints most clearly.' "
Maybe that was what our bronze-age ancestors were trying to convey when summoning the legend of Eden, the breathe of life, of free will. I dunno....just a thought. Now to leave you with one more quote......
"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being."
- C. G. Jung Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Life is too short.....

I know this is a cliche but let's really think about this for a moment. We are nothing more than a cell on a speck of mud spinning in infinite emptiness. We are nothing more than dancing monkeys floating on a huge ball of molten lava, revolving around a nuclear reaction, which in turn is but a speck in a whole cloud of similar stars, and it keeps going and going and going etc; etc;. What if the end of Men in Black had it right? Our entire universe is just a marble in some other realm. If the lifetime of our world was put into a one year calendar, then human beings didn't show up until something like Dec. 31 around 10:38P.M. We've only been here an hour and we already think we are running the party. So my thought process is this.....people can't stare into the abyss because the abyss stares back. The chaos and emptiness that is our universe is unbearable without belief in a higher power that has a 'Master Plan'. So these beliefs are unified and monitored, and another form of control is invented only this form of control is based on unprovable theories. I just don't get how we have the intelligence to put a man on the moon yet we as a species still believe in mythologies. Most religous writings are from the first century- bronze age writings. So couldn't we have lost so much of their meanings and intentions in translations and the steady progress of time. Couldn't these authors have been writing about philisophical and spiritual matters in the paradigm of their day? I'm not saying there isn't any wisdom in these holy books I'm just saying they're not holy. And every religion claims to be the truth, even though there have been uncountable religions through the millennia of our existence. The only thing I truly believe is that we are all connected. There is no I, only we, and when we as species accepts this and shrugs off our concept of I, we will only then be ready to do all the wondrous things that we have only just began to scratch the surface of. I believe we have the capacity for unbelievable feats and accomplishments but we are too absorbed in the view point of I. And I always has to be right in all things. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. We are an organism made up of individual cells yet we are all the same. We have been learning and evolving since the beginning of time. We as a species will continue to grow and evolve long after this present time. I believe we are in the beginnings of what future historians will consider a spiritual renaissance. More and more people are questioning and growing uncomfortable with the answers religion is providing. Like I said before, we have put a man on the chunk of rock revolving around our speck of mud. It is time to put away foolish beliefs in recylced mythologies. Our individual lives are too short and fragile to spend our time here bickering over matters of faith, which can not be proved anyway. And I will leave you with a quote, only think about it in terms of the human existence....cavemen being our infant stage and we are only now coming into our adult expierence as a species. "When I was a child I acted as a child, yet when I became a man I put away my childish things." Let's as a species put away our childish beliefs.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Southeastern Christian Fundamentalism @ it's finest

So I went to the wednesday night church service at a prominent church of the assmebly of god in the area. I sat in the balcony alone & unmolested and watched the service from a detached point of view. The whole thing was cult like....there seemed to be an air of "we are here on this freezing night out of duty for christ but if it were up to me I would be home".....a reinforcing of each other for this bad a really crappy pep rally. The singers sang the same old stale songs from years ago when I attend church the people remained in a bubble of warpped reality preception. Do they wonder why their attendance declines and why more and more people speak out against the church when there is no creativity coming from them. The church as a whole has the means to do great things but they fall far short of their potenetial. The preacher made 2 comments that really stuck out to me...#1) "Sarah Palin was ridiculed because of her christian beliefs....every good christian will be ridiculed for their belief." #2) "The government can't fix this economy, only god can fix this economy.".....Really? Really? This, I know is from a regional standpoint, but really? Sarah Palin was ridiculed because she opened her mouth and let her ignorance shine. & if the government can't fix this economy should we jsut ditch our efforts and pray ourselves out of this clusterfuck we've created? I mean somewhere along the line the church has lost focus on the message of the man and has focused on the man they would rather hold on to this 'us VS. them attitude', this arrogant concept that the supreme power & creator of the universe listens to them and will send someone else to hell but not them? I am not doen with my expirement...just wanted to vent a little bit......

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Spiritual Expirement

I have decided to go back to church. For the past few years the only time I have stepped a foot inside a church is for the occasional wedding or for Mother's Day. I have rejected the belief I was rasied to believe and am currently working through my atheistic/agnostic beliefs. I no longer except the divinity of christ, or the bible. I still agree that there are eternal truths within the writings of the bible, but I do not agree with the concept that it is 'god's holy word'.
So anyway, I've decided to go back to church not in my ever-going search for TRUTH but more to sharpen my thoughts on what it is about this from of christianity that is repulsive to me. Growing up in north Florida, I have never been too far from the buckle of the bible belt, so the christianity I am familiar with might have slight nuances that differ from christianity in other regions of the country much less the world. But despite all of this there are still basic creeds and beliefs that are universal within the christian sphere.
Anyway, I will post more tomorrow...........

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy

The memoirs of my family outings are still a source of strength to me. I remember we'd a pile into the car - I forgot what kind it was - and drive and drive. I'm not sure where we'd go, but I think there were some trees there. The smell of something was strong in the air as we played whatever sport we played. I remember a bigger, older guy we called "Dad." We'd eat some stuff, or not, and then I think we went home.
I guess some things never leave you.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ignorance is Offensive

I realize I am most likely speaking to the choir here because what value would any ignorant person find in blogs of wisdom? I don't mean to sound arrogant at all because anyone who knows me knows that I am not the most educated person. And I am fully aware that the amount of knowledge and information that I DO know is just a drop in the ocean of all I DON'T know. But I refuse to speak in arrogant ignorance.
Anyway, I just watched a documentary that was very moving. The name of the documentary was "Fall From Grace" and it was about a southern baptist preacher in Topeka Kansas who is protesting and pretty much waging an all out war against homosexuals. This guy, Fred Phelps, of the Westborro baptist Church has gained national media attention by picketting at U.S. soldiers funerals. His stance is that his 'god' has killed these soldiers in wrath for our nation tolerating homosexuals among us. His church is the creator of the website a hate-site that is protected by the first amendment. I was sickened by this bigot's hatred. His church consists of his entire family and a few other members that have been accepted into the fold and 'family'. Yeah........sounds pretty cultish.
So I write now absolutley dumbfounded at the hate & intolerance of this Southern Baptist preacher. Hate, intolerance, bigotry, racism, are all products of ignorance. Ignorance passed on by families, groups, & races that have now become institutionalized. And what is sad is that this specific hatred is fueled by 'god's holy church'.
Fred Phelps does what every 'god-fearing christian' does when stating their side of the argument; they back it up with passages of scripture from 'god's holy word' (his being Lev. 18:22). He grabs a passage from here, another from there, and still another from somewhere else, takes them out of their original context, and creates a holy war (let's not say jihad here even though they mean the same) for his cause. Let's omit the fact that he takes these 'holy scriptures' out of context, forget for a moment that he is basing his beliefs from men of the Bronze Age and just focus on his claiming to be a christian- a follower of christ. Yes Christianity spawned from Judeaism ( in which the Jewish Law was written in the book of Levicticus) but did not Jesus Christ supposedly say something along the lines of "I have not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it"? So as a CHRISTian shouldn't you follow the teaching of CHRIST, who never spoke a word about homosexuals but instead stated that the greatest commandment was not one commandment but two: Love your god, & Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
So what I'm getting at is this is normal thinking among most conservative christians in the Southeast region ( I keep my statement regional due to my ignorance of mindsets elsewhere in the country) of the U.S. even if it's not quite as adamant as Roy Phelps's. Jerry Falwell came close when he said 9/11 happened because of gays & lesbians. So how can so many people be so ignorant about this subject? How can so many CHRISTians be led by everyone but CHRIST? Even when I was a christian I was embarressed to be one because of the ignorant arrogance associated with that word.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New Era

I sit here one day after President Obama's Inauguration extremely, profoundly glad to be an American. It is a testament to this on-going democratic expirement that only 40 years after being granted equal civil rights, We the People have put an African-American in our nation's highest office.
I sit here unemployed, a victim of our nation's economic crisis, knowing that it will get worse before it gets better, but with a hope I have not believed in for years. Hope that President Obama is who he says he is, does what he says he will do, and not be just another politician. Times are tough right now and we haven't hit bottom yet, but Obama's plans seem to make sense, they seem solid, they seem to be what is best for the common good of We the People. He seems to be a voice of the People, just as the Presidential office should be. He is not an elitist, he is not part of a political dynasty and those two reasons alone make him valid in my book.
I sit here with so much on my heart and mind that it would be impossible to ever convey it all but now that I don't have much else to do I will try.
Until next time.....